Advanced JavaScript

Junghoo Cho

Variable Scope (Global vs Local)

  • A variable declared outside of any block has global scope.
  • A variable declared with let inside a block is valid only within the block: block-scope local variable
  • A variable used without an explicit let declaration has global scope
    • This is strongly discouraged

Scope Example

let a = "a"; // global vs local?
b = "b"; // global vs local?

function f()
    c = "c"; // global vs local?
    let d = "d"; // global vs local?

let vs var

  • let was introduced in ES6
  • Before let, var was used with the following difference
    • var has function scope (as opposed to block scope)
    • var is hoisted (vs no hoisting)
      • declaration is “moved” to the top of its scope
    • read this article to learn more on hoisting
  • Use of let produces cleaner code. Use it!

var Example

var a = 10;  // global vs local?
function f() {
    b = 10;  // global vs local?
    var b;   

Function Object

  • In Javascript, functions are objects!
    • Functions can be assigned to a variable
    • Functions can be passed as a parameter
    • Functions can have properties
  • But
    • A function is an object type (according to the standard), but typeof returns function not object

Function Object Example

function square(x) { return x*x; };

function myfunc(x, func) {
    return func(x);

myfunc(10, square); 
myfunc(10, function (x) { return x * 2; }); // anonymous function

myfunc.a = 20;

Nested Function

  • Functions can be defined inside a function!
    function outer_function() {
        function inner_function() {
    outer_function(); // what will be printed?

Variable Scope in Nested Function

  • Variables in a nested function follow lexical scope (not dynamic scope)
    function f() {
        let a = 1; 
        let b = 2; 
        function g() {
            console.log(b);  // b = ?
            b = 3;
        if (a > 0) {
            let b = 4;
            console.log(b); // b = ?
        console.log(b);     // b = ?
    f(); // what will be printed?

Nested Function and Closure (1)

  • Nested functions can be returned and be called later!
  • Example: What will happen?
    function getFunc() {
        function printUCLA() { console.log("UCLA"); }
        return printUCLA;
    let func = getFunc();

Nested Function and Closure (2)

  • Closure: When a nested function references non-local variables and is returned, it is “bundled together” with the referenced variables

    function getFunc() {
        let age = 10; 
        function printAge() { console.log(++age); }
        return printAge;
    let func = getFunc();
    func(); func(); // what will be printed?
  • printAge() does not have its own local variable, but the returned printAge carries the age variable from its surrounding context!

Nested Function and Closure (3)

  • Q: What will be printed?
    function getFunc() {
        let age = 10; 
        function printAge() { console.log(++age); }
        return printAge;
    let myFunc1 = getFunc();
    myFunc1(); myFunc1();
    let myFunc2 = getFunc();
    myFunc2(); myFunc2();

Nested Function and Closure (4)

  • Closures can be used to simulate local variables and functions
    • Avoids polluting global namespace
    • Used extensively especially before ES6
  • Example
    (function() {
        var count = 0;
        function helper() {
            console.log(`Help called ${++count} times!`);
        // ...
    })()  // create an anonymous function and call it immediately
    • The above code “simulates” block-local scope for count and helper()

Arrow Function (1)

  • In JavaScript, we often have to pass a function as a parameter

    function ChangeColor(event) { = "red";
    document.body.addEventListener("click", ChangeColor);
  • Polluting namespace can be avoided using anonymous functions

    document.body.addEventListener("click", function(event) { = "red";

Arrow Function (2)

  • Arrow function makes this even more concise
    document.body.addEventListener("click", (event) => { = "red";
  • Arrow function expression
    (param1, ...) => expression
    (param1, ...) => { statements; }
    • () => expression returns the value of expression
    • () => { statements; } should return a value explicitly

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Object = data + method
  • A “method” can be added to an object in JavaScript
    • Example
      let o = { x: 10 };
      o.multiply = function (v) { this.x *= v; }
      • Inside an object’s method, this points to the object itself
  • Important: Arrow functions should not be used as an object method
    • Arrow function is primarily to be passed as a parameter
    • More on this later

Class in ECMAScript 2015

  • ES6 introduced cleaner syntax to define a class
  • Example
    class Shape {
        constructor(color) {  // constructor() is class constructor
            this.color = color; 
        info() { return "color: " + this.color; }
        whoami() { 
            console.log("I am a Shape with " +;
    s = new Shape('blue');

Class Inheritance

class Rectangle extends Shape {
    constructor(color, x, y) {
        super(color);  // super refers to the parent class
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
    info() {
        return `${}, x: ${this.x}, y: ${this.y}`;
let r = new Rectangle("red", 2, 3);

Optional Chaining (ECMAScript 2020)

  • If a vaiable is undefined or null, we get an error

    let obj;
    console.log(; // Error: obj is undefined!
  • Checking for the error is ugly

    let obj;
    console.log(obj ? : undefined);
  • Instead of throwing an error, optional chaining operator returns undefined:

    let obj;
    console.log(obj?.name);  // returns undefined

Keyword this

  • Unfortunately, the meaning of this is a source of great confusion and bug in JavaScript
  • Three bindings of this
    1. In a function called via object/class method
      • this = called object/class
    2. In a function called via event triggering
      • this = DOM element to which event handler was set
    3. Everywhere else (in top-level block or in other function calls)
      • this = the global object

this in Event Handling Call

  • When called via event triggering, this binds to the DOM element where the handler is set
  • Example
    <body id="body_id">
        document.body.addEventListener("click", function (event) {
            console.log(; // what does this bind to?

this in Other Places

  • If this is used in other than class method or event handler, this binds to the global object
  • Global object (globalThis in ES2020)
    • In browser, window object
    • In Node.js, global object
    • Any variable assigned without declaration becomes a property of the global object

Arrow Function and this Binding

  • Arrow function (() => {}) does not provide its own this binding
    • It retains the this binding of the enclosing lexical context
  • Example
    <body id="body_id">
        document.body.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
            console.log(; // what does this bind to?

Tricky Example of this

x = 10;

function_printx = function() { console.log(this.x); };
arrow_printx = () => { console.log(this.x); };

o = { x: 20 };
o.printx_f = function_printx;
o.printx_a = arrow_printx;

// What will be printed?

Notes on this

  • The binding of this changes dynamically depending on how a function is called
    • This “dynamic scoping” makes this confusing and hard to understand, leading to many bugs
  • Use this only in object/class method
  • Never use arrow functions to define an object/class method

Array Manipulation

  • Mutator vs Accessor
    • Mutator: modifies input array in-place
      • reverse, sort, push, pop, shift, unshift, splice
    • Accessor: input array stays in tact
      • concat, slice, filter, map
      • A new output array is created and returned

Array Manipulation Example (1)

let a = [1, 2, 3, 4];
let b = a;
a[1] = 5;
a = [1, 2, 3];

Array Manipulation Example (2)

let a = [1, 2, 3];
let b = a.reverse();       // reverse is a mutator
a[1] = 6;

a = [1, 2, 3];
b = a.concat([4, 5]);  // concat is an accessor
a[1] = 6;

Destructuring Assignment

let o = { userid: 10, password: "secret" };
const { userid, password, email = "default_email" } = o;
// userid = 10, password = "secret", email = "default_email"

let a = [1, 2, 3, 4];
let [a1, a2,] = a;
// a1 = 1, a2 = 2, rest = [3, 4]

ES Module

  • ECMAScript 2015 added support for modules
    • Similar to Java “packages”
    • One JavaScript file ↔ one module
    • Everything in a module stays local unless declared export
    • exported entities can be imported and used by other JavaScript code

(Multiple) Named Export

//------ lib.js ------
export function square(x) {
    return x * x;
export function dist(x, y) {
    return Math.sqrt(square(x) + square(y));

//------ main.js ------
import { square } from './lib.js';

//----- main2.js ------
import * as mylib from './lib.js';
mylib.dist(4, 3); 

(Single) Default Export

//------ lib.js ------
export default function () { ... }

//------ main1.js ------
import myFunc from './lib.js';
  • Remark:
    • No { } to import default export
    • { } to import named export (even if we import just one)


  • Javascript: The Definitive Guide by David Flanagan
    • Strongly recommended if you plan to code in JavaScript extensively
  • ECMAScript standard: ECMA 262
    • The ultimate reference on what is really correct
    • But very boring to read and learn from
    • Browser support is a few generations behind