Asynchronous Programming & Promise

Junghoo Cho

Traditional Programming

  • Example: Sending a user’s picture over network
    function sendPicture(id) {
        user = db.find({userid: id});
        picture = fs.readFile(user.picFile);
  • Properties
    • Blocking operation in every step: synchronous API
    • The program is stuck at every step
  • Q: How can the program handle many requests concurrently despite long waits?


  • Traditional solution to multiple request processing
    • Create one thread per each request
      • Invoke multiple request handlers in parallel
    • “No change” in coding style
      • Structure of each request handler remains the same
    • Used by most traditional servers, including Apache, Tomcat
  • But multi-threading incurs significant resource overhead
    • Memory use (~ 10MB per thread)
    • Thread invocation overhead
    • Concurrency handling logic: semaphore, lock, …

Single-Threaded JS Engine

  • JavaScript runs in a single thread
    • Node.js and browser JavaScript engines
    • Cannot use multi-threading
  • Use one thread to handle all requests
    • No need to worry about concurrency
    • More efficient resource usage in principle
    • But potentially long waits at blocking calls

Asynchronous API

  • “Nonblocking” API for “multi-processing” under the single-threaded environment
    • Do not wait, return immediately!
    • Invoke callback function when ready
  • Example: db.find({userid: id}, callback);
    • db.find() returns immediately (no blocking)
    • callback is invoked when the database object is ready
    • The retrieved object is passed as a parameter to callback
    • callback can perform actions with the object

Synchronous vs Asynchronous

Synchronous Asynchronous
user = db.find({userid: id}); db.find({userid: id}, callback);
  • Wait until when everything is ready
  • Return immediately, callback when ready
  • Next line in the code has the required object
    • We can do what we logically need to do in the next line
  • Next line in the code does not have required object
    • We cannot do what we logically need to do in the next line
  • All logical sequence of actions in one function
  • Actions are spread across multiple callback functions

Callback Hell

function sendPicture(id) {
    db.find({userid: id}, callback1);
function callback1(err, user) {
    fs.readFile(user.picFile, callback2);
function callback2(err, picture) {
    socket.write(picture, callback3);
function callback3() {
  • Difficult to see the logical sequence of actions
    • Very different from traditional style of programming

Nested Callback Function

function sendPicture(id) {
    db.find({userid: id}, (err, user) => {
        fs.readFile(user.picFile, (err, picture) => {
            socket.write(picture, () => {
  • Better, but still ugly, difficult to understand, and easy to make mistakes
  • New ECMAScript language constructs
    • Promise (ECMAScript 2015)
    • async/await (ECMAScript 2017)
  • Most confusing part of this class
    • Pay attention!

Promise (ECMAScript 2015)

let prom = db.find({userid: id});
prom.then(fulfillCallback[, rejectCallback]);
  • An asynchronous function immediately returns a “promise”
  • Once a promise is obtained, callback can be attached using then()
  • The callbacks will be called when the operation is completed
    • If success, fulfillCallback is called with “result of operation”
    • If failure, rejectCallback is called with “error value”
  • Q: How is it better?
    • We are doing the same thing in two steps not one! This looks worse!

Promise Chain (1)

function sendPicture(id) {
    let prom1 = db.find({userid: id}); 
    let prom2 = prom1.then(user => fs.readFile(user.picFile));
    let prom3 = prom2.then(picture => socket.write(picture));
  • then() returns a new promise
  • We can set a callback to the returned promise
    • prom2 callback will be called after prom1 callback is completed
      • picture => socket.write(picture) will be called after
        user => fs.readFile(user.picFile) is completed

Promise Chain (2)

function sendPicture(id) {
    let prom1 = db.find({userid: id}); 
    let prom2 = prom1.then(user => fs.readFile(user.picFile));
    let prom3 = prom2.then(picture => socket.write(picture));
    let prom4 = prom3.then(() => console.log("done!"));
  • We can “chain” a sequence of asynchronous callbacks
    • Promise chain makes code look and work like a synchronous program
    • All logical sequence of actions are in one place
  • sendPicture() function itself returns immediately

Promise Chain (3)

function sendPicture(id) {
    let prom1 = db.find({userid: id}); 
    let prom2 = prom1.then(user => fs.readFile(user.picFile));
    let prom3 = prom2.then(picture => socket.write(picture));
    let prom4 = prom3.then(() => console.log("done!"));

Or more succinctly,

function sendPicture(id) {
    db.find({userid: id})
    .then(user => fs.readFile(user.picFile))
    .then(picture => socket.write(picture))
    .then(() => console.log("done!"));

Details on Settling Promise (1)

let prom1 = db.find({userid: id});
let prom2 = prom1.then(fulCB1, rejCB1);
let prom3 = prom2.then(fulCB2, rejCB2);

  • Terminology: A promise is settled either by being fulfilled (= resolved) or rejected
  • Q: How is prom1 is settled?
  • A: Depending on what happens from db.find()
    • If success, prom1 is fulfilled to the output. fulCB1() is called with “db object.”
    • If failure, prom1 is rejected to error. rejCB1() is called with error.

Details on Settling Promise (2)

let prom1 = db.find({userid: id});
let prom2 = prom1.then(fulCB1, rejCB1);
let prom3 = prom2.then(fulCB2, rejCB2);

  • Q: How will prom2 be settled?
  • A: Depends on what happens from callbacks (fulCB1 or rejCB1).
  • Q: What if the callbacks return a (regular) value?
  • A: prom2 is fulfilled to the value. fulCB2(value) is called.
  • Q: What if the callbacks throw an error?
  • A: prom2 is rejected to the error. rejCB2(error) is called.

Details on Settling Promise (3)

let prom1 = db.find({userid: id});
let prom2 = prom1.then(fulCB1, rejCB1);
let prom3 = prom2.then(fulCB2, rejCB2);

  • Q: What if the callbacks return a promise p?
    • e.g. let prom2 = prom1.then(user => fs.readFile(user.picFile));
  • A:
    • If p is fulfilled to value, prom2 is fulfilled to value. fulCB2(value) is called.
    • If p is rejected to error, prom2 is rejected to error. rejCB2(error) is called.

Promise Chain: Rejection Forwarding

function sendPicture(id) {
    db.find({userid: id})
    .then(user => fs.readFile(user.picFile))
    .then(picture => socket.write(picture))
    .then(() => console.log("done!"))
  • Sometimes a promise may be rejected
  • Q: What if a promise is rejected, but rejection callback is not set?
  • A: If a rejection is not handled, it is forwarded to the next then()
  • Setting one rejection callback at the end will be enough
    • No need to set a rejection callback in every then()
  • then(null, rejectCB) can be abbreviated to catch(rejectCB)

Error Handling in Promise Callback

  • Inside our callback if an error is encountered
    • throw an error in the callback, and
    • “catch” it later using catch()
  • Example
    db.find({userid: id})
      .then(user => {
                if (!user.picFile) throw new Error("No picture!");
                else return fs.readFile(user.picFile);
      .then(picture => socket.write(picture))
      .catch(err => console.log(err.message));
  • The code looks almost like standard try and catch block

Guarantees of Promise

  • Callbacks added with then() even after the success/failure of the asynchronous operation will be called
  • Callbacks will never be called before the completion of the current run of the JavaScript event loop
  • The reason for the name “promise”
    • The promise that the async operation will be completed
    • The promise that the correct callback will always be called later

“Promisified” Asynchronous API

  • Some APIs have been modified to return a promise if no callback
    • e.g., MongoDB node.js driver
  • Separate “Promisified” APIs/modules have been created
    • e.g., require('fs').promises
  • “Promisify” asynchronous API ourself using util.promisify()

Creating a Promise (1)

  • Q: How can we create a promise?
  • Create a promise that is always resolved (= fulfilled) to val:
  • Create a promise that is always rejected to err:

Creating a Promise (2)

  • Create a promise that is resolved (= fulfilled) to val or rejected to err depending on cond:
    new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        if (cond) {
        } else {
    • Create Promise with constructor
    • Inside the constructor parameter callback function,
      • Call resolve(val) if success
      • Call reject(err) if failure

async/await (ECMAScript 2017)

  • Syntactic sugar to make async code look almost like a sync code
  • Example
    async function sendPicture(id) {
        try {
            user = await db.find({userid: id});
            picture = await fs.readFile(user.picFile);
            await socket.write(picture);
        } catch (e) {
            throw new Error("Cannot send the picture!");
  • await can be used
    • only inside async function
    • in front of (function call that returns) promise

async Function

async function sendPicture(id) {
    if (cond) {
        return val;
    } else {
        throw new Error("Error!");
  • Adding async to function declaration “promisifies” the function
    • async function returns a promise, not val from return val
    • If the original function returns a (regular) value, the returned promise is fulfilled to the value.
    • If the original function throws an error, the returned promise is rejected to the error.
  • Q: What if the original function returns a promise?

await Keyword

user = await db.find({userid: id});
  • await can be used in front of (a function that returns) a promise
    • The next “action” is performed after the promise is fulfilled/rejected
    • If promise is fulfilled, the fulfilled value is returned from await
    • If promise is rejected, an exception is raised (which can be caught with try/catch)
  • await keyword can be used only inside async function

async/await (1)

async function sendPicture(id) {
    try {
        user = await db.find({userid: id});
        picture = await fs.readFile(user.picFile);
        await socket.write(picture);
    } catch (e) {
        throw new Error("Cannot send the picture!");
  • async/await makes asynchronous program look almost like synchronous program!
  • await makes an asynchronous function call “synchronous”
    • The next line is blocked until the function call is completed

async/await (2)

async function sendPicture(id) {
    try {
        user = await db.find({userid: id});
        picture = await fs.readFile(user.picFile);
        await socket.write(picture);
    } catch (e) {
        throw new Error("Cannot send the picture!");
  • async converts any function to be “asynchronous”
    • The call to sendPicture() is returned immediately with a promise
  • Best of both worlds!
    • We can code sendPicture() like a synchronous program, but the call to sendPicture() is nonblocking!

await in Top Block (1)

  • Q: What if we want to use await in the outer most block, not in a function?
    user = await db.find({userid: 'john'});
    picture = await fs.readFile(user.picFile);
    await socket.write(picture);
    • await can be used only in a async function, but they are not in a function!

await in Top Block (2)

  • A: Wrap the outer most block in an anonymous async function and call it
    (async () => {
        user = await db.find({userid: 'john'});
        picture = await fs.readFile(user.picFile);
        await socket.write(picture);

Parallel await (1)

function doubleAfter2Seconds(x) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, 2000, x*2)); 

async function addAsync(x) {
    return await doubleAfter2Seconds(x)
         + await doubleAfter2Seconds(x)
         + await doubleAfter2Seconds(x);

addAsync(10).then(v => console.log(v));
  • Q: How long will it take to print out the result?

Parallel await (2)

async function addAsync(x) {
    const a = doubleAfter2Seconds(x);
    const b = doubleAfter2Seconds(x);
    const c = doubleAfter2Seconds(x);
    return await a + await b + await c;

addAsync(10).then(v => console.log(v));
  • Q: How long will it take?

What We Learned

  • Single-threading vs Multi-threading
  • Blocking function calls
  • Synchronous API vs Asynchronous API
  • Nested callbacks (a.k.a. callback hell)
  • Promise (ECMAScript 2015)
    • Promise chain
  • async/await (ECMAScript 2017)
