Troubleshooting Windows Docker Installation

Shared Directory Issue

  1. Please make sure that the created directory is somewhere below the C:\Users directory such as C:\Users\cho\shared. Otherwise, you are likely to experience unexpected errors.
  2. You will have to provide the path of {your_shared_dir} in the Unix format (e.g. /c/Users/cho/shared), not in the Windows format (e.g., C:\Users\cho\shared).
  3. If you are running the docker command inside a WSL2 Linux distribution shell, you may have to use WSL-mounted path of your shared directory like /mnt/c/Users/cho/shared for {your_shared_dir}, not a Windows path like /c/Users/cho/shared. To find out WSL-mounted path of your shared directory, run pwd -P in your shared directory within WSL2 shell and use the output to replace {your_shared_dir}.

If none of the above addresses your issue, see this troubleshooting page that lists a number of possible causes for the shared folder issue and ways to address them.