Introduction To MySQL

Starting MySQL Command-Line Interface

MySQL is preinstalled within our provided container and automatically starts when you start the container. Once you are inside the container, you can start the MySQL command-line interface by typing mysql:

$ mysql 

Then you should receive the following prompt

MariaDB [(none)]>

and be inside the MySQL command-line interface. All commands in this tutorial should be issued inside the MySQL command-line unless noted otherwise.

Choosing a Databases in MySQL

MySQL allows users to create multiple databases, so that a single MySQL server can host databases for many independent applications. Before you start issuing SQL commands to mysql, you first have to select the database that you will be using. In order to see what databases currently exist, run


You will see an output like

| Database           |
| class_db           | 
| information_schema | 

information_schema is a database that MySQL creates automatically and uses to maintain some internal statistics on datbases and tables. The other database, class_db, is what we created for the class (note database names are case-sensitive in MySQL). Select the class_db database for the rest of this tutorial by issuing the command

USE class_db;

It is also possible to specify a database as a command line parameter to the mysql command:

$ mysql class_db

Creating a Table

Once you select a database, you can execute any SQL command. For example, you can create a table using the CREATE TABLE command:

CREATE TABLE <tableName> (
    <list of attributes and their types>

Note that all reserved keywords (like CREATE and TABLE) are case-insensitive and identifiers (like table names and attribute names) are case-sensitive in MySQL by default. That is, a table named STUDENT is different from the student table.

You may enter a command on one line or on several lines. If your command runs over several lines, you will be prompted with " -> " until you type the semicolon that ends any command. An example table-creation command is:

CREATE TABLE tbl(a int, b char(20));

This command creates a table named tbl with two columns. The first, named a, is an integer, and the second, named b, is a character string of length (up to) 20.

When you create a table, you can declare a (set of) column(s) to be the primary key like:

CREATE TABLE <tableName> (..., a <type> PRIMARY KEY, b, ...);


CREATE TABLE <tableName> (<attrs and their types>, PRIMARY KEY(a,b,c));

Inserting and Retrieving Tuples

Having created a table, we can insert tuples into it. The simplest way to insert is with the INSERT command:

INSERT INTO <tableName> VALUES ( <list of values for attributes, in order> );

For instance, we can insert the tuple (10, 'foobar') into relation tbl by

INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (10, 'foobar');

Once tuples are inserted, we can see the tuples in a relation with the command:

SELECT * FROM <tableName>;

For instance, after the above create and insert statements, the command


produces the result

| a    | b      |
|   10 | foobar | 

Bulk Loading Data

Instead of inserting tuples one at a time, it is possible to create a file that contains all tuples that you want to load in batch. The command for bulking loading tuples from a file is the following:


where <dataFile> is the name of the file that contains the tuples. For example, the command


will load all tuples in the movie.del file of the current directory into the table Movie.

Each line in the data file corresponds to one tuple and columns are separated by a tab character (\t). You can specify a NULL value in the data file using \N. For example, the following data file

1   first
2   second
3   \N

will insert three tuples, (1, ‘first’), (2, ‘second’), and (3, NULL) to a table. If you want to use, say, commas to separate columns, not tabs, add FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' to the LOAD command as follows:


If some columns in the data file is enclosed with, say, double quotes, you need to add OPTIONALLY ENCLOED BY '"' as well:


Notes on CR/LF issue: If your host OS is Windows, you need to pay particular attention to how each line of a text file ends. By convention, Windows uses a pair of CR (carriage return) and LF (line feed) characters to terminate lines. On the other hand, Unix (including Linux and Mac OS X) use only a LF character. Therefore, problems arise when you are feeding a text file generated from a Windows program to a program running in Unix (such as mysql in Docker container). Since the end of the line of the input file is different from what the tools expect, you may encounter unexpected behavior from these tools. If you encounter this problem, you may want to run dos2unix command from Docker container on your Windows-generated text file. This command converts CR and LF at the end of each line in the input file to just LF. Type dos2unix --help to learn how to use this command.

Getting Rid of Your Tables

To remove a table from your database, execute

DROP TABLE <tableName>;

We suggest you execute


after trying out the sequence of commands in this tutorial to avoid leaving a lot of garbage tables around.

Getting Information About Your TABLES

You can get the set of all tables within the current database by the following command:


Once you know the list of tables, it is also possible to learn more about the table by issuing the command:

DESCRIBE <tableName>;

Executing SQL From a File

Instead of typing and running SQL commands at a terminal, it is often more convenient to type the SQL command(s) into a file and cause the file to be executed.

To run the commands in foo.sql (in the current working directory), type:

SOURCE foo.sql;

in mysql. Files like foo.sql that have SQL commands to be executed are often referred to as a (batch) script file. You can also execute the script file directly from the Unix shell by redirecting the input to mysql like the following:

$ mysql class_db < foo.sql

Again, pay attention to the CR/LF issue if your host OS is windows and if you create your SQL batch script file from Windows. Run dos2unix on the file if necessary.

Recording Your MySQL Session In a File

mysql provides the command TEE to save the queries that you executed and their results to a file. At the MariaDB> prompt, you say:

TEE foo.txt;

and a file called foo.txt will appear in your current directory and will record all user input and system output, until you exit mysql or type:


Note that if the file foo.txt existed previously, new output will be appended to the file.

Quitting mysql

To leave mysql, type


MySQL Users and Privileges

By default, when you run mysql, you connect to MySQL as a user with the same name of your Unix account: cs143. It is possible to run mysql command under the “root” user using the sudo command like the following:

$ sudo mysql
[sudo] password for cs143:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 38
Server version: 10.3.25-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 Ubuntu 20.04

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]>

When prompted for a password, type your password (which is password in our container). You are now connected to the class_db database as the user root.

The user root is the “superuser” or the “database administrator” of our MySQL installation and has full access to all databases and tables, including the ability to create new users, change user privileges, and so on. Because the root user has unrestricted access, for security purposes, it is best to connect to MySQL as root only when you need to perform one of these administrative tasks. For your project work, the default user account cs143 will be sufficient, which has full access to the class_db database but nothing else.

As a final note, keep in mind that MySQL maintains its own username and password pairs independently of the underlying operating system (OS). Thus, it is possible to create a MySQL user that does not exist in the underlying OS and vice versa. This means that your default MySQL user cs143 is not related to your Linux account cs143 except the shared name. In fact, cs143 in MySQL has a different password (an empty password) from that of cs143 of the Linux account (“password”).

Help Facilities

mysql provides internal help facilities for MySQL commands. To see a list of commands for which help is available, type help or help contents in mysql. To look up help for a particular topic (listed in the contents), type help followed by the topic.

This document was written by Junghoo “John” Cho for classes that he teaches at UCLA.