Lab 1 is due Friday 4/29/05 at 5:00:00AM PST. Begin the submission process at least 30 minutes early, because the timestamps I go by are what the CourseWeb system says, browsers can crash, networks can stall, etc.

Be sure to include a README file with the following:

Write this in a file in PLAINTEXT, HTML, or PDF format. NO MS WORD! Put the file in your lab1 directory with all of your code and Makefile, and run "$make tarball". Rename the resulting tarball to your names, like:


You should test the tarball file to make sure it includes all of your code, Makefile, and README you need BEFORE you submit the file. ONE person per team should then submit the tarball file through CourseWeb. If you are working with a partner from Section 1, they should submit your code on their CourseWeb page.

Submissions after 4/29/05 at 5:00:00AM will be considered late and consume one of your free late days per day late, with a maximum of three. Remember that you only get three late days for the entire quarter.

Lab submissions will be tested on the CS111 partition in the 4405 BH Linux lab, so make sure your code compiles and runs properly there. I should be able to unzip the tarball file and run $make without making any modifications to your Makefile or code.

If you have any questions about the submission instructions, please ask me ASAP. Don't wait until Friday at 3AM.

updated 4/28/05