CS246 Project 1


In this homework, we will use Elasticsearch, a popular open-source text search engine, to index a Wikipedia dataset and to enable keyword searches on the dataset. We will also apply various text transformations to the dataset and observe the effect of the transformations in search results.

System Setup

Follow our VirtualBox Setup Instruction to set up the virtual machine that we will use for this project. Please make sure that
  1. the shared folder is working correctly and
  2. you can ssh into the virtual machine through port 2462
as described in the instruction page.

All software tools needed for this project have already been installed in the virtual machine, including Elasticsearch. To start Elasticsearch in the virtual machine, enter the following command:

sudo service elasticsearch start
(You will need to start Elasticsearch using the above command whenever you power up your virtual machine in the future.)

Wait a few seconds while Elasticsearch is starting. Once Elasticsearch has started, you can test whether your Elasticsearch is running by sending an HTTP request to port 9200 on localhost:

curl -s -XGET 'localhost:9200/?pretty'
which should give you a response like this:
      "name" : "Cp8oag6",
      "cluster_name" : "Elasticsearch",
      "cluster_uuid" : "AT69_T_DTp-1qgIJlatQqA",
      "version" : {
        "number" : "5.6.2",
        "build_hash" : "f27399d",
        "build_date" : "2016-03-30T09:51:41.449Z",
        "build_snapshot" : false,
        "lucene_version" : "6.6.1"
      "tagline" : "You Know, for Search"

Task 1: Implementi a Simple "Crawler"

The primary goal of our first task it to brush up your Java programming knowledge. In this task, you will have to build a simple "Web crawler" in Java. When given a particular url, your crawler will retrieve the webpage and print the html text of the webpage to the console. If you are new to Java or if it has been a while since your last Java programming, first read A Crash Course from C++ to Java. This excellent tutorial explains the basics of Java, including how you can name, compile, and run your Java program. (It is okay to skip the parts on BlueJ in the tutorial, since we will not be using it.) If you are quite familiar with Java, but you just want to brush up on minor details quickly, you may want to read slides on Java instead. All basic tools needed for Java programming (e.g., javac and java) are available on our VM.

Now download the project1.zip file, which includes our skeleton Java code, GetWebpage.java for this task. The provided code takes a URL as the command-line parameter and simply prints the URL to console. Your task is to insert your own code to implement a simple Web crawler.

Your Java program should satisfy the following requirements:
  1. Your program should be implemented as a single Java class GetWebpage. Your program should take the url as the first command-line parameter. For example, a user should be able to execute your program like
    java GetWebpage http://stackoverflow.com
  2. Given a URL, your program must display the entire html webpage on the console. For example, running the program with the url http://stackoverflow.com should display the following:
    <html><head><title>Object moved</title></head><body>
    <h2>Object moved to <a href="https://stackoverflow.com/">here</a>.</h2>

In implementing your crawler, you may find java's URL class (http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/net/URL.html) useful.

Notes on editors for Java development: You can choose whatever editors you like for Java development. Options include:

Task 2: Index Wikipedia Dataset Using Elasticsearch

In this task, you will learn how to use Elasticsearch, a popular open-source text search engine, to index a dataset and perform searches.

REST API and curl command

Elasticsearch provides a very comprehensive and powerful REST API to interact with. For example, you can: using the REST API. For instance, the following HTTP request:
GET /_cat/indices?v
returns all existing indices in the server.

We can issue a command to Elasticsearch through the REST API using the curl command. curl is a tool that makes it easy to send an HTTP command to a server and obtain the response from it. For example, if we want to send the above GET command to the Elasticsearch server running in the local virtual machine (localhost) at port 9200, we need to run the following command:

curl -s -XGET 'localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v'
At this point, the local Elasticsearch is likely to return a response like:
health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size
which simply means we have no indices yet in the server.

Learn the Basics of Elasticsearch

Now read Elasticsearch Reference to learn how to use it. At the minimum, you must read the following pages in the reference:
  1. Basic Concepts: This page explains a few core concepts related to Elasticsearch. Understanding these concepts is essential in learning how to use Elasticsearch.
  2. Create an Index through Exploring Your Data: This sequence of pages explain how to create an index, add/update/delete documents to/from the index, and retrieve a document.
  3. Searching through Search Lite: This sequence of pages explain how to perform a search on indexed documents.

Task 2A: Index Using Default Setting

Now that you have learned the basics of Elasticsearch, you need to build our first index using our dataset.

Wikipedia DataSet

Our project1.zip file includes a wikipedia dataset at data/simplewiki-abstract.json. This dataset is "succinct summaries" of all pages in the Simple English Wikipedia in the JSON format. More precisely, each line in the file corresponds to one wikipage in the Simple English Wikipedia. Each JSON object includes four "fields", title, abstract, URL, and sections, that corresponds to the title, a short summary, the URL, and the section titles of the page, respectively. Open the JSON file using your favorite text editor and explore the dataset to get familiar with the data. (Warning: this dataset is quite big (~100MB), so it may take a while to open it with a text editor. You may want to take a small subset of the data, say the first 1000 lines, and use the smaller file during exploration and initial development.)

Very First Index Construction

Now, build an index named task2a using our Wikipedia dataset. Since we have a large number of documents to index, you may find the bulk API from Elasticsearch useful. To use the bulk API, you have to "preprocess" the wikipedia JSON file, so that each line of wikipage is preceded by an "index" command and the appropriate document id. We have include a Java skeleton code, ParseJSON.java, in the project1.zip that can be used for this purpose. The program includes the basic code to read a file with JSON data and parse it. Your job is to fill in your own code to generate an output file suitable for Elasticsearch bulk API.

In building your first index, make sure that

  1. name of the index is task2a (all lowercase) and the type of the documens are wikipage and
  2. the id field of each indexed wikipedia document is set to the line number of the page (that is, the wikipage in the first page should get an id=1, second page get id=2, and so on.)

If your index is built correctly, the index should return the following documents for the given IDs.

67380Ken Starrhttps://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Starr
91872Marking knifehttps://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marking_knife
128604Tidal viloethttps://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tidal_viloet
For example, if you send a command like:
curl -s -XGET "localhost:9200/task2a/wikipage/1?pretty"
You should get a result like
      "_index" : "task2a",
      "_type" : "wikipage",
      "_id" : "1",
      "_version" : 1,
      "found" : true,
      "_source" : {
        "abstract" : "April is the 4th month of the year, and comes between March and May. It is one of four months to have 30 days.",
        "title" : "April",
        "url" : "https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/April",
        "sections" : [
          "The Month",
          "April in poetry",
          "Events in April",
          "Fixed Events",
          "Moveable Events",
          "Selection of Historical Events",

Also, your index should return the following number of matching documents for the corresponding queries on the default _all field:

Query# matching docs
information retrieval502
the matrix69555
April 53487
For example, if you send a command like:
curl -s -XGET "localhost:9200/task2a/_search?q=information%20retrieval&pretty"

(Note that the white space between information and retrieval is URL encoded as %20 since the query is part of a URL.)

You should get a result like
  "took" : 13,
  "timed_out" : false,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 5,
    "successful" : 5,
    "skipped" : 0,
    "failed" : 0
  "hits" : {
    "total" : 502,
    "max_score" : 17.103891,
    "hits" : [
        "_index" : "task2a",
        "_type" : "wikipage",
        "_id" : "111606",
        "_score" : 17.103891,
        "_source" : {
          "abstract" : "Information retrieval is a field of Computer science that looks at how non-trivial data can be obtained from a collection of information resources. Commonly, either a full-text search is done, or the metadata which describes the resources is searched.",
          "title" : "Information retrieval",
          "url" : "https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_retrieval",
          "sections" : [
            "Problem description",
            "Different models",
            "First dimension: the mathematical model",
            "Second dimension: the properties of the model"

Note: Due to "Near Real-Time" nature of Elasticsearch (i.e., a document indexed by Elasticsearch may take a few seconds to show up in search results), if you issue your queries too quickly after building an index, you may get a slightly different result from what we show here. To make sure that all indexed documents show up in your result, you can use the "POST /_refresh" command. That is, you may want to issue the following command:

curl -s -XPOST 'localhost:9200/_refresh?pretty'
through curl before sending a query after building an index (credit to Brandon Shin).

Once you have successfully built your first Elasticsearch index, add the sequence of commands that (1) converts data/simplewiki-abstract.json file (make sure to use a relative path) into a file that can be loaded through bulk API (2) creates the task2a index and loads the data to the build.sh script in project1.zip. Eventually, you will have to submit the build.sh file as part of Project 1 submission.

Notes on CR/LF issue: If your host OS is Windows, you need to pay particular attention to how each line of a text file (including your script file) ends. By convention, Windows uses a pair of CR (carriage return) and LF (line feed) characters to terminate lines. On the other hand, Unix (including Linux and Mac OS X) uses only a LF character. Therefore, problems arise when you are feeding a text file generated from a Windows program to a Unix tool (such as bash script). Since the end of the line of the input file is different from what the tools expect, you may encounter unexpected behavior from these tools. If you encounter any wired error when you run your script, you may want to run the dos2unix command in VM on your Windows-generated text file. This command converts CR and LF at the end of each line in the input file to just LF. Type dos2unix --help to learn how to use this command.

Task 2B: Index Using Whitespace Analyzer

In the rest of Task 2, you will explore some of the basic text processing techniques such as tokenization, stemming, and stopword removal. These techniques are usually applied to each document prior to indexing it. Tokenization is the process of segmenting a stream of words (such as a document) into a sequence of units called tokens. Loosely speaking, when tokenization is performed on the word level, the tokens will be the words in the document. For example, a simple tokenizer might split the string up into words wherever it encounters a whitespace or punctuation. It is the ability to tokenize and analyze words, that helps elasticsearch perform exceedingly well on natural language data.

Typically, after tokenization is performed, a number of text altering techniques may be applied on the tokens in order to perform more effective and efficient retrieval. These techniques include:

Text processing is done through what is called an Analyzer in Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch gives us a number of alternative analyzers that we can use depending on our need. Here are a few in-built analyzers provided by Elasticsearch: In Task 2B, you need to create your second index on wikipages by using the whitespace analyzer, so that the capitalization in the wikipages is preserved. This allows users to obtain different sets of documents depending on the capitalization in their query. To understand how Elasticsearch decides which Analyzer to use for a document, you need to learn the concept of mapping and data types in Elasticsearch.

Learn about Mapping, Data Types, and Analyzer

Read the pages from Mapping and Analysis through Complex Core Field Types (Important!! Do not skip this reading) to learn the key concepts related to Elasticsearch Analyzer. These pages also explain how you can specify a particular Analyzer to index your documents.

Note: 1. The pages assume that your Elasticsearch contains the indices created from the dataset at https://gist.github.com/clintongormley/8579281. This would be the case if you finished earlier reading. 2. The pages use the string type for all indexed text fields, which is no longer recommended. Starting from version 5.0, text is the recommended type for any indexed text field as this page explains.

Now build a new index for Task 2B which uses the whitespace analyzer. When you build your index for this task, make sure that
  1. name of the index is task2b (all lowercase) and the type of the documens are wikipage
  2. the id field of each indexed wikipedia document is set to the line number of the page and
  3. use whitespace analyzer for every field of the document, including the _all field (as explained in the Search Lite page, _all field is automatically generated by Elasticsearch to support simple queries with no field specifier (a.k.a. Search lite))

    Note: Specifying the analyzer for the _all field is slightly different from other regular fields. See this page to learn how you can correctly set the analyzer for the _all field without getting any error.

If your index is built correctly, the index should return the following number of matching documents for the given queries:

Query# matching docs
information retrieval343
the matrix62493
April 52635

Note that the query "elizabeth" does not return any matching documents because our query is in lowercase. Since the whitespace analyzer does not perform lowercase conversion, Elasicsearch will not consider "Elizabeth" and "elizabeth" as the same tokens.

Add the sequence of your Elasticsearch commands to build the second index to the build.sh script.

Task 2C: Index Using Custom Analyzer

Sometimes, we may want to specify transformations beyond in-built analyzers. In such cases, we can build our own custom analyzers that combine the appropriate character filters, tokenizers and token filters.

Character Filters, Tokenizers, and Token Filters

Any Analyzer in Elasticsearch consists of three transformation subprocesses, called character filters, tokenizers, and token filters as is depicted in the following diagram and as you learned from the Analysis and Analyzers page.

All incoming documents go through a (set of) chracter filter(s), which transforms individual characterers, then a tokenizer which splits incoming stream of chracters into a sequence of tokens and a (set of) token filter(s), which transforms the output tokens from the tokenizer.

Read the Custom Analyzer page to learn how you can synthesize your own custom analyzer by combining available filters and tokenizers in Elasticsearch. Once your custom analyzer is created and named, you can use it by specifying its name as the analyzer of a field (as part of the mapping as you did in Task 2B).

In this task, build a custom analyzer that consists of the following filters and tokenizer:

When you build your index for this task, make sure that
  1. name of the index is task2c (all lowercase) and the type of the documens are wikipage
  2. the id field of each indexed wikipedia document is set to the line number of the page and
  3. use a custom analyzer for every field of the document, including the _all field. For each filter/tokenizer used for the custom analyzer, use its default setting.

If your index is built correctly, the index should return the following number of matching documents for the given queries:

Query# matching docs
information retrieval788
the matrix25
April 53487

Note that in Task 2A, the query "the matrix" returned 62496 hits, while it returns 25 hits here. This is because in Task 2A, all documents that contain either "the" or "matrix" are matched, while here, only the documents with "matrix" are matched due to stopword removal. Also, notice that the query "elasticity" returns more documents here than in Task 2A. This is because of stemming. Documents with the word "elastic" is also considered a match when stemming is applied to documents.

Once you are done, please add the sequence of your Elasticsearch commands to build the new index to the provided build.sh script.

Task 3: Construct Evaluation Dataset

Evaluating the accuracy of search results is fundamentally a subjective task that requires human judgement. As the last task of Project 1, we ask your help in constructing an evaluation dataset, by which the effectiveness of the search ranking algorithms in later projects will be evaluated. We hope to collect a diverse pool of judgments from all of you, which should allow a reasonable evaluation of various ranking algorithms. Relevance judgments are (query, document) pairs marked as relevant or irrelevant by users. For this purpose, we ask you to come up with 10 queries that could be run on our Wikipedia dataset. You must submit the query, a brief description of the type of results that you expect, and the list of "relevant" pages in a text file named task3.txt. The result pages should be specified by the URL of the pages. For example if your query is "algebra", for which the relevant pages are "algebra" and "linear algebra", it should be formatted as:
{ "query": "algebra", "description": "all pages related to algebra", "pages": ["https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algebra", "https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_algebra"]}
The first URL in the "pages" field should be what you judge as the "most relevant page" to the query. For every query of your choice, add a line like the above (10 lines in total), ending each line with the curly brace "}"

Your Final Submission

Your project must be submitted electronically before the deadline through CCLE. Navigate to Projects on left of the page, and click on the Project 1 submission section. If you submit multiple times, we will grade only the latest submission.

What to Submit

The zip file that you submit must be named project1.zip, created using a zip compression utility (like using "zip -r project1.zip *" command in the VM). You should submit this single file project1.zip that has the following packaging structure.
    +- GetWebpage.java
    +- ParseJSON.java
    +- build.sh
    +- task3.txt
    +- any other file that is needed by your build.sh
    +- README.txt (Optional)
Four key files in your zip file, GetWebpage.java, ParseJSON.java, build.sh, and task3.txt should meet the following requirements:
  1. GetWebpage.java: This java file should not use any external Java library. We should be able to compile and run your Java code simply like "javac GetWebpage.java" and "java GetWebpage.java http://www.google.com".
  2. ParseJSON.java: This java file should preprocess our wikidata file into a format that can be loaded using bulk API.
  3. build.sh: This file should take the wikipedia datafile located at ./data/simplewiki-abstract.json, preprocess it to make it loadable using batch API, and load the preprocessed file into three indexes, task2a, task2b, and task2c. We should be able to perform this entire process simply by executing "./build.sh".
  4. task3.txt: This file should contain evaluation queries and relevant pages using the specified format.
In your zip file, please DO NOT INCLUDE data/simplewiki-abstract.json. This will make your submission file too big. Please ensure that your submission is packaged correctly with all required files. Make sure that each file is correctly named (including its case) and project1.zip contains all files directly, not within a subdirectory. In other words, unzipping project1.zip should produce the files in the same directory as project1.zip. You may get zero point if the grader encounters an error due to incorrect packaging, missing files, and failure to follow our exact spec.

Testing of Your Submission

Grading is a difficult and time-consuming process, and file naming and packaging convention is very important to test your submission without any error. In order to help you ensure the correct packaging of your submission, we have made a "grading script" p1_test.sh available. In essence, the grading script unzips your submission to a temporary directory and executes your files to test whether they are likely to run OK on the grader's machine. Download the grading script and execute it in the VM like:
cs246@cs246:~$ ./p1_test.sh project1.zip
(if your project1.zip file is not located in the current directory, you need to add the path to the zip file before project1.zip. You may need to use "chmod +x p1_test.sh" if there is a permission error.)

You MUST test your submission using the script before your final submission to minimize the chance of an unexpected error during grading. Again, you are likely to get zero point if the grader encounters an error during grading that could have been easily avoided if you test your zip file using our script. Please ensure that the Elasticsearch service is running before you execute the script. When evertything runs properly, you will see an output similar to the following from the grading script:

Compiling GetWebpage.java...
Testing GetWebpage.java...

Running build.sh...

Testing Task2A...

Testing Task2B...

Testing Task2C...