To help you set up and MySQL server on your computer, we will use “Docker.” Using Docker, we can create a “virtual Linux environment,” a.k.a container, on any computer and install and run any Linux programs inside it. This way, we can run any Linux software on your computer even if its operating system (OS) is Windows or MacOS.
Go to the Docker Installation Page and download the appropriate installer for your OS.
Once you finish installing the App, reboot your computer to ensure that all Docker drivers and programs are properly set up and running.
After installing Docker App, run the Docker app by clicking its icon. This will
start docker daemon in the background, which will wait for docker
command from the user.
(If you are using Docker Toolbox, you do NOT need to execute a separate Docker app first.)
Let us make sure that our Docker has been successfully installed by executing the following command in a command-line window (such as Terminal on Mac, Command Prompt or Windows Terminal on Windows)
$ docker run -it hello-world
Note: The beginning dollar sign $ in the above line is a “common Unix convention” to indicate that the command should be typed into a command-line window. What you actually type is docker run -it hello-world
, excluding the dollar sign at the beginning.
Note: If you are using Docker Toolbox, all docker
commands must be executed in Docker QuickStart terminal, not the standard Windows command prompt.
You need to have an Internet connection to execute the above command first time. If the above command gives an output similar to the following, congratulations! You have successfully installed Docker on your machine.
Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/hello-world
ca4f61b1923c: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:445b2fe9afea8b4aa0b2f27fe49dd6ad130dfe7a8fd0832be5de99625dad47cd
Status: Downloaded newer image for hello-world:latest
Hello from Docker!
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.
For more examples and ideas, visit:
Now that you have successfully installed Docker, it is time to learn about important concepts related to Docker: Docker image and Docker container. Roughly speaking, a Docker image is like an OS installation package (such as a Windows installation ISO or macOS installation package) and a Docker container is like an actual system that is setup using the image (such as your laptop). Just like you can set up multiple machines using one OS installation package, it is possible to create multiple containers using one Docker image.
In fact, when you executed the following command earlier,
$ docker run -it hello-world
Docker performed the following sequence of operations
After Docker images and containers have been download and created, you can see the list of locally available images and containers through the following commands:
$ docker image ls
hello-world latest f2a91732366c 5 weeks ago 1.85kB
The docker image ls
command shows all Docker images that have been saved locally.
In this example, we have the “hello-world” image that was downloaded
from our earlier docker run ...
$ docker container ls -a
ceb7f467442e hello-world "/hello" an hour ago Exited (0) an hour ago loving_volhard
The docker container ls -a
command shows all Docker containers that have been created.
Note the last “NAMES” column in the output, which has the value “loving_volhard”
in this example. (This value is likely to be different on your machine.)
Whenever Docker creates a new container, it assigns a unique random name
– in our example “loving_volhand” –
so that the user can refer to the container using the name in future commands.
For example, if we want to start the “loving_volhard” container again,
we can execute
$ docker container start -i loving_volhard # replace loving_volhard with your container name
which will print out the “Hello from Docker!” and some help messages on the terminal.
NOTE: docker container ls -a
shows all containers that have been created.
If you want to see only the currently-running containers, you can use
the docker container ls
command without -a
means all).
Now you are ready to download and set up a Docker container for the MySQL server.
Note: If you mess up somehow and want to start from scratch for this part, please run the command docker container rm mysql-apache
first before you restart.
This will remove the docker container that may have been created while you are following the instructions.
First, create a directory on your computer
where you will create and maintain files for this class. In this tutorial, we
will assume to use /Users/cho/cs143/
as such a directory. Then execute the following command after replacing {your_shared_dir}
with the just created directory name (i.e., /Users/cho/cs143/
, note the removal of curly braces { }
$ docker run -it -v {your_shared_dir}:/home/cs143/shared -p 8888:80 --name mysql-apache junghoo/mysql-apache
, Downloads
and Documents
. If you do, you may experience unexpected problems.{your_shared_dir}
in the Unix format (e.g. /c/Users/cho/shared
), not in the Windows format (e.g., C:\Users\cho\shared
). See our Windows FAQ page if you encounter any issue related to the shared folder setting.FYI, the above command asks Docker to perform the following actions:
--name mysql-apache
(i.e., /Users/cho/cs143/
) directory on your computer
with the /home/cs143/shared
directory in the Docker container.
Once set up, any file you place in
the /Users/cho/cs143
directory on your computer will be available in the
directory within the Docker container, and vice versa.-t
option) and connect it to the interactive terminal window of the host computer
option).When you execute the above command, you are likely to see a sequence of output similar to the following:
Unable to find image 'junghoo/mysql-apache:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from junghoo/mysql-apache
8911c72a405a: Pull complete
53c82ba785ac: Pull complete
1a3ab8c30468: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:14984dbf649cd404610c5e2fc8f860d69a3a9ad77939c45e316cb9fe8ff24c35
Status: Downloaded newer image for junghoo/mysql-apache:latest
* Starting MariaDB database server mysql
* Starting Apache httpd web server apache2
Be patient, because the image “junghoo/mysql-apache” is quite large (~ 400MB) and may take a while to download. Eventually, the “mysql-apache” container created from the image “junghoo/mysql-apache” starts MySQL server, and runs a linux shell, giving you the following prompt:
Note that this shell is running in the container (not on your Windows or Mac computer), and
any command that you type now will be executed inside the container.
For example, if you type pwd
(a unix command that prints out the current directory),
cs143@3fb1a5fafccf:~$ pwd
it prints /home/cs143
, the current working directory in the container. Also, if you type whoami
(a unix command that prints out the current user name),
cs143@f3339ccac015:~$ whoami
it prints cs143
which is your username in the container.
Note: Remember that your username is cs143
with the password password
in the container.
Many projects in this quarter should be done within the mysql-apache
container that we just set up.
To make it easy to share files between your host computer
and the mysql-apache
container, we just created a shared folder between them through the option
-v /Users/cho/cs143:/home/cs143/shared
Any file that you add to
the /Users/cho/cs143
directory on your host Windows/Mac computer is accessible at the /home/cs143/shared
directory within the container and vice versa.
Add a new file to /Users/cho/cs143
on your host and verify that the file is accessible within the container. Delete the file in the container
and verify that the file also disappears in /Users/cho/cs143
of the host. If you are not familiar how to access files in a directory within Unix, please go over our Unix Tutorial for Beginners.
Note for Windows Users: Again, if you encounter an issue due to the shared folder setting, please see our Windows FAQ page to troubleshoot.
When you run the mysql-apache container, MySQL server automatically starts.
Inside the container, you can run the MySQL client through mysql
cs143@3fb1a5fafccf:~$ mysql
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 8
Server version: 10.3.10-MariaDB-1:10.3.10+maria~bionic binary distribution
Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
MariaDB [(none)]>
Within the MySQL client, you can execute any MySQL command. For example, you can print
all existing databases by executing show databases
MariaDB [(none)]> show databases;
| Database |
| class_db |
| information_schema |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]>
To exit from the MySQL client, type exit
MariaDB [(none)]> exit
The mysql container has Apache server and PHP preinstalled. starts the Apache server when it boots up. While the Apache server listens on port 80 for HTTP requests, since the host’s port 8888 is forwarded to the container’s port 80, the Apache server can be accessed at the URL http://localhost:8888. Open a browser from you host machine and access the URL http://localhost:8888. If everything is running properly, you will see a page similar to the following:
Note: In case you are using Docker Toolbox and your browser does not display a page at http://localhost:8888, run docker-machine ls
in your docker quick-start terminal to determine where your container is running. It may be, for example. Then, visit instead of http://localhost:8888 using your browser.
Once you are done with interacting with the container, type exit
in the shell:
cs143@f3339ccac015:~$ exit
Initiating the shutdown process...
* Stopping Apache httpd web server apache2
Container has been shutdown...
When the shell exits, the container will shut itself down, and send you back to your host machine.
From now on, if you need to start the “mysql-apache” container again, use the docker start
command inside Terminal App (Mac), Command windows (Windows), or Docker QuickStart Terminal (Docker Toolbox):
$ docker start -i mysql-apache
* Starting MariaDB database server mysqld [ OK ]
* Starting Apache httpd web server apache2
If you need to stop a running container from your host computer (not by typing exit
within the container
shell), you can use docker stop
$ docker stop mysql-apache
Here we provide a list of frequently-used docker commands. The first three commands have been used and explained in this tutorial.
docker run -it -v /Users/cho/cs143:/home/cs143/shared --name mysql-apache junghoo/mysql-apache
: obtain the docker image “junghoo/mysql-apache” from Docker hub,
create a new container
named “mysql-apache”, mount the host folder /Users/cho/cs143
at the container folder /home/cs143/shared
, and start the
container interactively.docker start -i mysql-apache
: start the container “mysql-apache” interactivelydocker stop mysql-apache
: stop the container “mysql-apache”docker exec -it -u cs143 mysql-apache /bin/bash
: execute the command /bin/bash
interactively inside the running container “mysql-apache” as the user cs143
docker container ls
: display currently-running containersdocker container ls -a
: display all containersdocker container rm mysql-apache
: delete the container “mysql-apache”docker inspect mysql-apache
: print the configuration setting of mysql-apache containerdocker image ls
: display all locally-saved imagesdocker image rm junghoo/mysql-apache
: delete the local image “junghoo/mysql-apache”