CS 143: Data Management Systems

Time and Place


Discussion Sections

Office Hours

All office hours will be conducted online via Zoom, except John’s.

Course Staff



Course Description

From this class, students will learn how to store, manage, and access large-scale data using data management systems. Among many existing systems, our primary focus will be on relational database management systems (RDBMS) and structured query language (SQL), but we will review a few non-relational data management systems as well.

The topics that will be covered in the class include:

Learning Objectives

By the end of the quarter, students are expected to:

Course Logistics

Text Book

One textbook is required for the course:

You do not need to have the most recent edition. Fifth or later editions will be fine.


The final grade will be assigned based on the following criteria:


Students will have written homework and programming projects. The exact number of homework and projects will vary depending on the speed of the progress of the course. Our expectation is 6-7 written assignments and 5-6 programming projects.

All assignments should be submitted via Gradescope. Make sure that you are registered for this class on Gradescope.

Late Submission Policy

Homework must be submitted before the deadline. No late submission is allowed for homework.

For programming projects, each student has a 4-day grace period for late submission to use throughout the quarter to accommodate any emergency that a student may encounter. The grace period can be used for any part of the project in the unit of one day. For example, a student may use 1-day grace period for part 1 and 2-day grace period for part 3. Any single project part may not be more than 2-days late. Note that the grace period can be used in the unit of one day. Even if a student submits a project 12 hours late, he/she needs to use a full-day grace period to avoid the late penalty.

Once you run out of your four grace days, we will start applying exponential penalty and take off of the assignment’s value, where is the number of late days of your submission. Again, any single project part may not be more than 2-days late.


We will have two in-person quizzes:

If you are unable to be physically present during our designated hours, submit your information via Google Form

Online discussion group

All students must join and utilize CS143 discussion group at Piazza by registering at https://piazza.com/ucla/fall2021/cs143 (access code: cs143signup). This online discussion group will be the primary channel for students to ask course and project related questions and for others, including the TA, to answer them. Note that some of your questions may have already been discussed and answered by others, so please search the board first before asking a question. When you join the discussion group, you may choose to receive email notifications for new messages or just to read them on the board. You are responsible for all your posts. Thus, please do NOT post any content that might be considered as a violation of honor codes, such as your solution to a homework. If you have any doubt or concern, please ASK the TA/lecturer before posting it.

Academic Integrity

At http://www.deanofstudents.ucla.edu/Academic-Integrity, the Office of the Dean of Students presents University policy on academic integrity, with special attention to cheating, plagiarism, and student discipline. The policy summaries don’t specifically address programming assignments in detail, so we state our policy here.

Each of you is expected to submit your own original work. On many occasions it may be useful and have an educational value to ask others (the instructor, the TA, or other students) for hints or help, or to talk generally about your strategies. Such activity is both acceptable and encouraged, but you must indicate any assistance (human or otherwise) that you received. Any assistance received that is not given proper citation will be considered plagiarism. In addition, to avoid unintended sharing and copying of your work, publishing your work on a public repository, such as public github, is strictly prohibited.

You must abide by this policy in addition to the policies expressed in the UCLA Student Conduct Code. If a violation of the policies is suspected, in accordance with University procedures, we will have to submit the case to the Dean. A typical penalty for a first plagiarism offense is suspension for one or more quarters. A second offense usually results in dismissal from the University of California.